The sources of traffic on Google Analytics: direct, referral, organic search, email, social, display ...

Here are the channels, sources and media on Google Analytics. The different sources of acquisition on Google Analytics. How to access the different sources of traffic on your website To access your site's traffic sources with Google Analytics, you must click on the "Acquisition" tab that is part of the "Reports" section in the left column of your screen. Then click on "All Traffic" and then "Channels" (or Overview), to access the possible channel groups: Organic Search, Paid Search, Referral, Display, Direct, Social, Email, (other) ... All channels are not necessarily indicated, especially if you do not advertise. Organic Search: natural search results traffic on a search engine The group "Organic Search" is the traffic that comes from natural results from search engines recognized by Google (Google, Bing, Yahoo ...). Rajput Status Hindi | Royal Rajput Status | Rajputana Status In English | Rajput Attitude Status | Rajput Love Status | Rajput Shayar iWhen you click on "Organic Search", you can analyze in more detail the keywords that have been entered by users to arrive on your website, during the period of time indicated in the top right of your screen. Google Images traffic is included. The mentions (not provided) and (not set) appear when the search engine has not transmitted the query. Google Analytics is no longer able to know most of the queries entered by users and aggregates this traffic with the mention (not provided). Paid Search: the traffic generated by your SEA campaigns The "Paid Search" section allows you to have an overview of all the traffic made through your SEA (keyword purchase) campaigns, via Google Ads or other advertising agencies. When you click on this part, you can see all the sets of keywords purchased and the traffic they generated. Referral: traffic from another website In Referral, Analytics refers all traffic to your website, which has been generated by referral sites (excluding social networks). In the sources, you can also see other engines like Qwant, Ecosia, Lilo, content aggregators such as Flipboard, Google News or feed like Feedly, but also any other website with a link that redirects users to your site. site. Social: all the traffic that comes from social networks In the "Social" section you will find all the traffic to your website generated by social networks. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest ... But also YouTube, professional social networks like Yammer or other platforms like Netvibes or Blogger. Email: visits that come from a newsletter The "Email" section is supposed to reference all the traffic sent to your website from an email, as after the opening of a newsletter for example ... provided of course that the link contained in the email is tracked. For sessions to appear in this category, the links must contain the "email" support tag. If this is not the case, the traffic may appear in the "Direct" part. Display: campaign traffic on the Google Display Network In "Display" you will find all the traffic generated by the display campaigns displayed on the Google Display Network. You find your landing pages and can track the performance of the traffic generated by these ads. Direct: a channel that brings together many unidentified sources of traffic The "Direct" category is a fairly complex category to decipher. It can first collect the traffic generated by a direct URL entry of your site. In this case, your visitors know your site and need no other source to get there. However, there are other cases where the traffic is considered to be "Direct": If a user opens a new tab in their browser, your site appears as a suggestion and clicks to visit it; In case of problem or absence of tracking in a sent newsletter; If a link from a Word, PDF, PowerPoint or other file redirects to your site; If your site is in HTTP and an HTTPS site sends you traffic; When links to your site are shared by SMS or via a messenger like Messenger or  Rajput Status Hindi | Royal Rajput Status | Rajputana Status In English | Rajput Attitude Status | Rajput Love Status | Rajput ShayariWhatsApp are clicked; When some page redirects are poorly managed and lead to the loss of the origin of the visitor ... When the noreferrer attribute is populated on a link Traffic from Google Discover is also included in the Direct traffic. You must use Search Console to analyze this specific traffic; Other: sessions that do not match any of the categories The heading "Other" includes all the traffic that can not be classified in one of the categories listed above. It can include the traffic related to websites that are difficult to classify in this or that category, automation tools to share content, etc. It is generally a minority and can be assimilated, in a way, to the direct traffic of your website. To organize your traffic sources more precisely, and track the performance of specific channels, you can add UTM tags to your links. On Google Analytics, you can also focus on the Source / Support tab to access the performance of each acquisition lever.
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